There is a tiny island in the lake with an isolated chapel dating from the 19th century. Against the wild scenery of Gougane Barra, the chapel appears even more iconic and consequently it is one of the most photographed sites in County Cork. The chapel is accessible via a narrow causeway linking the island with the shore. River Lee (An Laoi) rises near Gougane Barra, flows through the lake and continues to Cork Harbour where it eventually empties.
In 1966 the area was named as Ireland's first national park. The name Gougane Barra derives from St. Finbarr (Barra in Irish, the patron saint of Cork), who is said to have built his monastery on the island in the lake in the 6th century, and means "Barra's retreat enclosed by mountains".
The forest park offers six hiking trails of different levels and some of them are leading to picturesque waterfalls and viewpoints:
- Slí Ghaorthaidh, 0.5 hrs, multi-access (i.e. suitable for wheelchairs and buggies)
- Slí Com Rua, 10 mins, moderate
- Slí Doire Na Coise, 1.15 hrs, moderate
- Slí Laoi, 1 hr, moderate
- Slí An Easa, 1 hr, strenous
- Slí Sleibhe, 1.45 hrs, strenous
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